Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hello Dog Lovers

Welcome! This blog is all about dogs and dog lovers! please follow if you love dogs and everything about them! I will try my hardest to update everyday... But first we need followers! A blog is nothing without them!
It is my motivation. Please follow this for the dogs. You will find dog info, dog pictures, dog surveys, dog questionaires, and much much much more dog!

Talk dog to me!

To entertain you, here are some cute dog poems/quotes/sayings! Enjoy!

"Dogs are really people with short legs in fur coats!"
"A house is not a home without a dog."
"Even the tiniest Poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart."
" [dogs] never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation."
You can't buy loyalty,they say,
I bought it though,the other day
You cant buy friendships,tried and true
Well just the same,I bought that too.
I made my bid and on spot
Brought love and faith and a whole job lot
Of happiness,so all in all
The purchase price was pretty small
I bought a single trusting heart,
that gave devation from the start
If you think these things are
Buy a brown-eyed puppy with a wagging tail


*Worlds largest dog..... The worlds heaviest as well as longest dog ever recorded was an Old English Mastiff named Zorba. In 1989, Zorba weighed 343 lbs and was 8 feet 3 inches long from nose to tail!

*All dogs, from the German Shepherd to the tiny Poodle, are direct descendants of wolves. They can all breed together and produce fertile offspring. Technically they are of the same species

*Dogs can see color but it is not as vivid a color scheme as we see. It is much like our vision at twilight

*Some authorities estimate that some dogs sense of olfaction (smelling) is as high as 1 million times greater than ours.

*Dogs cannot see as well as humans and are considered color blind. A dog sees objects first by their movement, second by their brightness, and third by their shape.

*A female carries her young about 60 days before the puppies are born.

*A dog's heart beats between 70 and 120 times a minute, compared with a human heart which beats 70 to 80 times a minute.

*A dog can hear sounds 250 yards away that most people cannot hear beyond 25 yards. The human ear can detect sound waves vibrating at frequencies up to 20,000 times a second. But dogs can hear sound waves that vibrate at frequencies of more than 30,000 times a second

Famous Dogs and Dog Breeds

*Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Greek mythology, guarded the gates to the underworld.
*Laika became the world's first space traveler. Russian scientists sent the small animal aloft in an artificial earth satellite in 1957.
*Argos or Argus, Ulysses' hunting dog, was the only creature to recognize the Greek hero when he returned home disguised as a beggar after 20 years of adventure.
*Canis Major or The Great Dog:- The great dog follows his master, Orion, as he makes his annual journey through the sky. Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is located on the shoulder of Canis Major. It is the brightest in the heavens, and its name means sparkling and scorching, as it is nearest to the sun during the height of summer. The hot, summer days - Dog Days - which Sirius was thought to cause, run from July 3 to August 11th. The three stars of Orion's Belt point at the Dog Star, Sirius, in Canus ajor at Orion's heels. It is best seen in the northern hemisphere during winter, between December and March. - first published in the May/June 1994 issue of ZuZu

*Irish Wolfhounds rank as the largest dog, and Chihuahuas as the smallest dog. The St. Bernard is the heaviest dog and other breeds range in size between these extremes.
* The basenji, an African wolf dog, is the only dog that cannot bark.

More Facts to come everyday! If you enjoyed this please join!


  1. Yay small furry animals! Anyways, welcome to the wonderful world of blogspot meh dear! Ask meh anything if you need help with the set up! Also, I recommend turning on anonymous comments. :):)

  2. Thank you :)
    How do I get more followers?
    Do you know anything about Adsense?
    And how do I put music on my blog ?

    Thanks You
    Make sure you come back everyday so you can learn about a new dog breed each day!

  3. You get followers through hard work. I had my blog for half a year before people started reading it, but now I've got a few, plus some commenters. It's really nice. :):)
    Adsense...Not really, I'm afraid. Sorry!
    And about music...If you mean just playing when you come to the site, I think there's a way that you can do that, but I'd have to check and make sure that's not another blog format (Wordpress or whatever meh other friend uses). And embedding videos is pretty simple, if that's what you need help with. :):)
    Believe meh, the posting every day thing doesn't last. Sometimes you just forgetyour blog exists sometimes...Heheh...

  4. I need to work on getting more followers. I only have 3. Me, you, and my grandma. I wish I could make it more noticeable on google. So people could see it on search results. How do I get more?? I need help!!

  5. Just keep writing, and go comment on other people's blogs using your Google account! That's how I got most of meh readers. :):)
    Also, if ya like, I'd be happy to mention you on my blog! It might not do much, but it's worth a shot! :):)
